Happy Anniversary! Is it Paper or Trash for 10 years together?

This very attractive blackboard notice was the one source of useful information in our holiday apartment in Sardinia. We were impressed that it was written in English, given that our host’s mother, who was local and available to help us out with any issues, spoke very little English.

It was indeed remarkable that there were so many refuse collections during the week. Only problem was, someone had to remember to take the relevant bag to the collection point on the road the night before. Waiting until the morning would usually mean that we had missed the boat! At home in the UK we don’t have to put out our bins, as we are able to leave them in a spot from which the bin men can collect and return them.

Putting out the rubbish is never a popular task, so it became a bit of a game! ‘Who fancies putting out the organic and glass tonight?!’ (don’t all shout at once!) Organic is not a great one to miss, as you don’t want rotting peelings and scrapings from the dinner plates festering for too long. How convenient that they collected this cateogory of rubbish three times a week!

Paul had this clever idea that the blackboard could double up as suggestions for Wedding Anniversary gifts! After all, for the 1st Wedding Anniversary, paper gifts are quite traditional (we have a paper category on our blackboard) , for the 2nd Anniversary, fruit and flowers are suggested (trash category?) and then there is crystal or glass for the 3rd year (empty wine bottles only on Mondays for some reason).

Are we the only people to have these ridiculous flights of fantasy?