Tray-bake Fish Curry: A quick, easy dinner with minimal washing up

Tray-bake Trout Curry ready to cook

I am never one to shy away from washing up, but even I like to make meals which only require one pan. This curry could equally be made with chicken or just vegetables, or maybe lamb fillet or pork chops. I am in the habit of making it on a Friday night, as I love a curry, and making it in the oven means that the fish does not have to be stirred in a pan and potentially spoilt. Friday for us is nearly always fish, as old habits die hard! It is also the day we tend to do our shopping, and I like to have fish as fresh as possible. Plus, Waitrose has a 20% off fish offer on Fridays!

Tray-bake Fish Curry for 4 people


Fish pieces weighing about 1 1/2 lbs  (600g) – I used trout, but you could use salmon, cod, hake or other white fish. Something chunky works well

3 Portobello mushrooms

4 medium-sized tomatoes, quartered

1 can of chickpeas

A few handfuls of spinach – about 4oz (100g)

2 sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks

3 medium-sized new potatoes, cut into big slices or chunks

1 large onion

Half a 400g of chopped tomatoes

2 tsp coriander seeds, crushed

2 tsp cumin seeds

1 fresh chilli, deseeded and sliced

small piece of fresh ginger

1 tsp turmeric or a lump of fresh turmeric if available

2 tsp garam masala

Half a large can of coconut milk

3 tabs full-fat Greek yoghurt

Oil such as rapeseed or sunflower

Tray-bake Trout Curry


Put your sweet potatoes, onions and potatoes into a large roasting tin – mine measures 30 x 22 x 6cm (length, width, depth). Scatter over the spices. I bash up the ginger and turmeric in a pestle and mortar. Mix in some oil and coat well. Season with salt and pepper. Roast in a pre-heated oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes. The vegetables will not be fully cooked – all the other ingredients cook more quickly, so you need to give the potatoes and onions a head start. Take the tin out of the oven and add the mushrooms, chickpeas and fish. You can cut the fish into four pieces or leave it as one big piece. Sprinkle over some more oil and roast for another 20 minutes.

By this time, everything should be more or less cooked and smelling good. Add the canned and fresh tomatoes, spinach and coconut milk and mix them gently into the vegetables. Leave the fish exposed. Roast for another 5 minutes. It should all be cooked by now, but do check that everything is soft. Mix in the Greek yoghurt.

I served this with beetroot raita (a grated, raw beetroot mixed with 3 tabs yoghurt and a tsp of cumin seeds) and a freshly cooked poppadum.

Tray-bake Trout Curry with Poppadom and Beetroot Raita




Stuffed Squid: A tasty, economical meal

Stuffed Squid ready to cook

I love squid, and fortunately Paul does too! Even my daughter Jess is gradually getting a taste for it. She prefers it cut into rings, in breadcrumbs or batter, deep-fried. This however is one of my favourite ways of serving it. Do try it, and I can assure you that it will not be tough and rubbery! You probably know that squid either needs to be cooked very quickly in a hot pan, or long and slow in a casserole, for at least 45 minutes. Anything in between and it will be as tough as old boots.

Squid stuffed with Spinach and Pinenuts, served with Roasted Vegetables and Tomatoes

Ready to cook in the above photo

Ingredients for 2 servings

6 squid

4oz Fresh Spinach

2oz Pine Nuts

1oz Chunky breadcrumbs (make your own from stale bread)

3 sun-dried tomatoes

1 fresh chilli

4 medium-sized new potatoes

1 courgette

Olive Oil

Stick of fresh rosemary

Half a 400g can of chopped tomatoes


Slice the potatoes into chunky pieces – about 4 slices from each. Put in a small roasting tin. Drizzle with olive oil, add the rosemary stick and seasoning and roast for 20 minutes at 200 degrees. Meanwhile, toast the pine nuts in a small, dry, frying pan. Slice the deseeded chilli and cook for a few minutes in a little olive oil. Put the spinach in a colander and pour boiling water over it. This will wilt it. Mix the spinach, breadcrumbs, pine nuts, chillis and chopped, sun-dried tomatoes. Prepare the squid by pulling the legs out of the bodies. Make a small snip down the side of the body, about a quarter of the way down. Fill the bodies with the stuffing mixture and secure with  cocktail sticks. When the potatoes have roasted, add the courgette to the tin, sliced into chunky pieces. Roast for another 15 minutes. Meanwhile, heat a griddle pan until it is smoking. Add a small amount of olive oil and sear the squid bodies and tentacles for a couple of minutes each side.

Squid cooking on the Griddle

Remove the tin from the oven. Add the tomatoes, then put the squid bodies and tentacles on top. Cook for another 5 minutes in the oven.

This is a meal in itself, but if you are like me you might dollop a spoon of thick Greek yoghurt on the top!

Squid stuffed with Spinach and Pinenuts served with Roasted Vegetables and Tomatoes