An Ironing Board could be useful: The Trials and Tribulations of blogging on holiday

I am trying to write a daily blog whilst on holiday, which is quite a challenge. I discovered that my own laptop has a non-functioning battery, so will only work when plugged in. Fine, I can cope with that. However, on arriving at the apartment in Sardinia, we discovered that the internet connection is non-existent inside. So we have some further potential problems – I am only able to blog by using Paul’s laptop, as I can take it out to the public areas of the apartment block and not have to plug it in. This of course assumes that he will not need it at the same time that I do. Also, there is the question of heat – how long is it possible to sit at a steamy laptop writing great words of wisdom with no air-conditioning, in temperatures of 85 degrees plus?! Then there is one more issue, of where to put the laptop. Okay, so Paul’s model is lighter than mine, and you could possibly actually use it on your lap, but I find this makes me work slowly and end up with a crick in the neck, pains in my calves and an ache in the behind! Right now, there are Italian children playing on their ipads, and listening to Christmas music very loudly!! Why?!!

Part of the solution would be to find a table to work at, as the table-height logs are in full sunshine for most of the day. Our apartment has two tables – a dining table which cannot be carried outside, and a coffee table of the wrong height. You would think it might be simple to go to Bricofer, the local DIY Store, and buy a camping table, but no, nothing suitable was available – unless you count the wooden table and chair set, which we did not really need, or the plastic table with removable legs which would not fit in the car with all the luggage for our return journey. It was whilst investigating the possibility of using an upturned laundry basket that I suddenly remembered the ironing board which our host’s mother had brought for us the day before! Perfect! Many people sit down to do their ironing, so it would be possible to adjust the height and have a novel laptop station, with room for my camera, mouse and glass of wine!

So here I am in the public area of the apartments La Perla del Mare writing my blog at an ironing board, listening to very loud Christmas music…… I’ll have to ring Paul in a minute to ask him to help me carry all this paraphernalia back to the apartment….